Project BECOMING – Training activity in Prague
From 11.04. to 15.04.22 the project partners met for the second transnational learning activity in Prague. First, the results of the service package for career and vocational guidance of low-skilled employees in SMEs were reflected, tested, and further refined. Furthermore, the upcoming tasks as well as concrete steps for the next project result, developing a kit consisting of an extensive portfolio of freely available materials and tools for the individual career planning and development of low-skilled employees, were elaborated and defined. For this purpose, the participants dealt, among other things, with different methodological and pedagogical approaches, as well as exchanged experiences with helpful online tools for the creation of educational materials and tested some of them. The next project meeting is planned for June this year in Pescara/Italy.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

EMPOWER – Kick-Off-Meeting
Finally, we were able to meet in person in Schwerin at our project “Empower – Encouraging Migrant Women to seize their Potential and Opportunities in the World of Entrepreneurship” in the framwork of Erasmus+, which has already been kicked-off virtually in January this year.
With seven other partners from four different EU countries, we will develop a portfolio of tools for self-assessment and assessment of entrepreneurial competences in the framework of the Entrecomp model and a toolkit with learning and teaching material for teaching entrepreneurship specifically for women with a migrant background.
From 07.04. – 08.04.2022 we actively dealt with the EntreComp competence framework in a very pleasant and constructive working atmosphere. We reviewed the interviews with women with a migration background that we already conducted, exchanged experiences and new ideas, and discussed and coordinated the upcoming work steps and organizational issues.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Message in a Bottle: Training in Santander
“What you have to learn in order to do something, you learn by doing it.” (Aristotle)
During our training activity from 28.03. to 01.04.2022 in Decroly in Santander, the teachers, and learners of the three partner organizations did just that. With the approach of a growth-oriented way of thinking, which follows the theory of Carol Dweck (professor of psychology at Stanford University) that everyone can learn everything, we fundamentally dealt with the challenges of linking the analog and digital world and looked at learning types, learning methods and competence requirements (of the future). And all this not only theoretically, but also practically.
In the various settings, we tried out a variety of analog games, experimented with open-source learning programs and tools for creating learning games, and gathered valuable insights. What thematic and technological options can we best use to ensure that young people acquire basic skills for their lives in a playful way – through gamified learning – while at the same time not getting “lost” in the digital world?
After our active and instructive work week, we agreed that the most important thing is to strike a balance between analog and digital learning, and that joy and fun as motivational drivers must not be neglected to make the learning process successful and sustainable.
Everyone learned a lot. We will use the newly acquired skills and knowledge for our further work in the project.