growMet: Workshop in Ljubljana

The first workshop of our Erasmus+ project “growMET” (Growth mindset in educational triangles) took place in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana last week.
Teachers from 5 countries – Slovenia, Italy, Romania, Germany and the Basque Country – dealt intensively with the methods and implications of the growth mindset theory.

The switch to a digital way of teaching, forced by the Corona pandemic, has often overwhelmed students, teachers and parents. Not only the use of technology and the often inadequate infrastructure have hindered teaching and learning, but also the almost complete lack of personal exchange.

In the workshop, we discussed and practised together ways of how motivating communication can also succeed in the digital space.

The results of the workshop are now being incorporated into an online training course, which our project will then make publicly available.

BECOMING: workshop in Rostock

On August 31, experts from the tourism industry met at the “Haus des Tourismus” in Rostock for a workshop on “Trend Analysis Tourism”. As part of the Erasmus+ project “BECOMING”, they discussed developments in the tourism industry in the coming years. Digitalization and sustainability, as well as demographic developments, pose new challenges for companies and their employees. New skills and competencies will be necessary and must be learned and practiced.

The results of the workshop are the basis for the next work steps.

The project “BECOMING” is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

growMET: successful consultation

On 28.06.2021 a virtual meeting of the project partners from the five participating countries took place to discuss the status of the work on the first project results. All partners have done their “homework” and conducted structured interviews with students and teachers and analyzed the results.

These will now be incorporated into the next phase of work, which will focus on the development of a hybrid course material for teachers.

In the workshop planned for the end of September in Ljubljana/Slovenia, these learning contents will be tested in practical use and then refined.

growMET: Kick-off meeting

Once again we had no choice but to implement our kick-off meeting for the new European project “groMET” in the virtual realm. 16 participants from Romania, Spain, Italy, Slovenia and Germany came together for the first time to get to know each other and to take the first steps in the project together.

Video calls have become quite familiar in the last year, but it is always a challenge to conduct such a first meeting in this way. All participants are hopeful that the next meeting, which is scheduled for November in Italy, will be held in person.

New Erasmus+ project

We are happy to announce the start of our new Erasmus+ project “Growth Mindset in Educational Triangles (growMET). For the next 24 months, we will work together with partners from Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Spain and Germany in the field of digital education.

More detailed informations can be found here.

Accreditation for Erasmus 2021-2027

Good news have reached us: we are now accredited for mobility activities under the Erasmus programme of the EU. Thus we will organise and implement individual internships for VET students and trainers in Europe.

We are very happy about this decision and do hope to implement the first activities in the fall of 2021.

BECOMING: First staff training completed

This week we completed the first international staff training in our project “BECOMING“. Originally planned as a five-day full-time training, we had to compress it to five online sessions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After a necessary adaption phase – especially to the virtual group work – we were progressing quickly. Andrea Buonasperme (Roscioli Development/IT) was an excellent trainer. We learned to analyze important trends in the economy and society using the PESTEL method.

In a next step we deduced the most important skills and knowledge required in the jobs of the future. How will job profiles change in the next five to ten years? Which new job are emerging?

The tools and methods we learned in the training will now be used for the next step in the project: the development of career guidance and development services. All the partners will work together with small and medium enterprises (SME) in their region to identify the necessary changes for the ongoing transformations.

First transnational project meeting for “BECOMING”

On 26.11.2020 eight partner organisations from three countries – Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy – met for their first transnational project meeting in our new Erasmus project “BECOMING”. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic this meeting was completely online.

After a virtual “speed dating”, that helped to get to know each other, the partners discussed and agreed upon the first tasks in the project.

New project in Erasmus+

“Being in continuous innovation and growing” is the title of our new project within the Erasmus+-program. Together with seven other institutions from Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic, we will develop and test materials and methods for the promotion of lifelong learning.

The project will start in October 2020.