On 13/14 October 2022, the project partners met in Giulianova/Italy, for the second project meeting in the Erasmus+ project DIGIBLEND. A good month after the workshop on game development in Stralsund, the first task was to test the three game designs for their suitability for assessing existing digital knowledge and skills. As a result of this round of testing, we decided together to make one game out of the three concepts. This way, we can put the best ideas to use.
The project consortium then looked at the upcoming testing phase, where all partners will test the game-based assessment approach with participants from our target group (adults 55+).
The results of this test phase will then feed into the second phase of the project, where we will develop a game-based hybrid learning format.
All project partners were very positively touched by the creative and cooperative atmosphere and are already looking forward to our next meeting and the cooperation until then.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.