Project Kick-Off

With a two-day kick-off meeting in Schwerin, we started our new project “VideoTeach” within the Erasmus+ programme. On board are eight partners from Finland, Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Turkey, Cyprus and the Czech Republic.   

We will work together to create tools and resources for the production of high-quality educational videos to promote wider use of online, blended and distance learning. Based on their individual skills, teachers will be supported and motivated to produce their own videos efficiently and in good quality and to use them as a supplement in their teaching.  

During our meeting, we agreed on the next concrete steps, discussed the development of a competence profile in terms of content and expertise, collected ideas and discussed and agreed on organisational issues.  

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Hybrid project start

Our next project within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union has started: “DIGISCHOOL“. The Corona pandemic forced us to hold another hybrid meeting because some participants could not come to Schwerin in person as planned.

In a very productive round, we discussed the basic organisational issues with our partners from the Czech Republic, Spain and Italy, set deadlines and dealt with the concrete tasks for the first project result.

In the DIGISCHOOL project, we are jointly pursuing the goal of improving the digital skills of vocational school teachers and communicating the possibilities and advantages of digital teaching even after the end of the pandemic. In the first phase of the project, we will collect and publish case studies on the use of digital teaching materials with experts from the field.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

growMET: Project meeting in Giulianova

On the 8th and 9th November 2021, the partners of the Erasmus+ project “growMET” met in Giulianova/Italy.

It was the first project meeting that could be attended in person. The kick-off meeting in March 2021 had to be held virtually because of the pandemic restrictions. All the participants in this meeting agreed that it is very important to meet and exchange. Erasmus+ is a program designed to bring people from different European countries together to work on some meaningful tasks.

Since we are working on three intellectual outputs nearly simultaneously, we used the chance to discuss the progress on the different areas and to agree on the next steps of work. Digital education will be an important part of education in the future, even if the pandemic will be over someday. The inherent benefits of this kind of learning were discussed in detail. Now it will be up to the partners and the next project activities to get this message to all points of the educational triangle: students, teachers and parents.

On the final day of the meeting, we also agreed on the dates for our next activities within the project.

Special thanks go to ilmiolavoro for the organisation of this meeting and the Liceo Scientifico “Marie Curie” in Giulianova for the hospitality and the extremely good coffee for the breaks!

BECOMING: Project meeting in Prague

On 4th and 5th November 2021, the partners from Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic met to exchange and agree on the state of the project and the next steps.

The preparatory tasks for the development of the first project outcome – a collection of vocational and career guidance services for low-skilled workers in SMEs – have been completed in the three participating countries and have produced interesting results. The very different labour markets in the countries also play a role. The presentation of the results led to intensive and lively discussions.

On the second day of the meeting, the participants agreed on the next concrete steps and an updated timetable. This includes the dates for the next project meetings and a workshop to test and disseminate the first project results in Prague next spring.

We thank the hosts from the INPRO Institute for their hospitality and the successful organisation of the meeting!

growMet: Workshop in Ljubljana

The first workshop of our Erasmus+ project “growMET” (Growth mindset in educational triangles) took place in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana last week.
Teachers from 5 countries – Slovenia, Italy, Romania, Germany and the Basque Country – dealt intensively with the methods and implications of the growth mindset theory.

The switch to a digital way of teaching, forced by the Corona pandemic, has often overwhelmed students, teachers and parents. Not only the use of technology and the often inadequate infrastructure have hindered teaching and learning, but also the almost complete lack of personal exchange.

In the workshop, we discussed and practised together ways of how motivating communication can also succeed in the digital space.

The results of the workshop are now being incorporated into an online training course, which our project will then make publicly available.

BECOMING: workshop in Rostock

On August 31, experts from the tourism industry met at the “Haus des Tourismus” in Rostock for a workshop on “Trend Analysis Tourism”. As part of the Erasmus+ project “BECOMING”, they discussed developments in the tourism industry in the coming years. Digitalization and sustainability, as well as demographic developments, pose new challenges for companies and their employees. New skills and competencies will be necessary and must be learned and practiced.

The results of the workshop are the basis for the next work steps.

The project “BECOMING” is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

growMET: successful consultation

On 28.06.2021 a virtual meeting of the project partners from the five participating countries took place to discuss the status of the work on the first project results. All partners have done their “homework” and conducted structured interviews with students and teachers and analyzed the results.

These will now be incorporated into the next phase of work, which will focus on the development of a hybrid course material for teachers.

In the workshop planned for the end of September in Ljubljana/Slovenia, these learning contents will be tested in practical use and then refined.